Loughlinstown Woods Development
Information Evening
8pm Wednesday 24th May
Loughlinstown Community Rooms
Cooperative Housing Ireland Ltd have lodged a planning application to construct 42 residential units on lands at Loughlinstown Wood.
The proposal consists of:
8 no. three-bed terraced two-storey dwelling houses.
2 no. three-storey apartment blocks consisting of 16 no. three-bed duplex apartments, 12 no. two-bed apartments and 6 no. one-bed apartments.
Access is proposed via a new road connection between Loughlinstown Wood and Cois Cualann.
The development also includes private amenity space for all dwelling units; removal of existing planting to northern boundary; new hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, hedgerows and a replacement public pedestrian footpath; and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the proposed development.
A number of residents have been in touch with concerns about the through road between Loughlinstown Wood and Cois Cualann, the scale and height of the development and the proposal to remove existing trees.
The deadline for observations to the council is Monday, 29th May.
In advance of the deadline, I will be hosting an Information Evening at 8pm on Wednesday 24th May at Loughlinstown Community Rooms for local residents who might like additional information about the application or have questions about the planning process and how to make an observation to the council. I will also have detailed maps and plans available to review.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.