May 2005
Local Councillor Cormac Devlin raised the following issues at this months Area Committee Meeting about the concerns of some residents in Beechpark, Foxrock with the amount of weekday car parking in their estate and "rat running" through the estate. Councillor Devlin placed the following question down:
1) Implementation of parking measures at Beechpark, Foxrock
Councillor C. Devlin
To ask the Manager to implement parking measures to alleviate the problems faced by residents of Beechpark as commuters use this area as a "Park and Ride" facility? I would ask the Council to report back on implementing either one or a mixture of the following proposals:-
Maximum Parking times
Pay and Display
Yellow Lines
Many of these roads are narrow enough as it is but with commuters parking every which way all day residents access and manoeuvrability is seriously restricted when entering or leaving their driveways?
The introduction of the Pay & Display Parking Scheme in 2002 and the extension of the scheme in 2004 were in response to representations from local residents and business communities who expressed concern at ongoing long stay parking in their areas. A review of the scheme will take place later this year. If evidence is submitted that a significant majority of the residents in Beechpark are in favour of the scheme and if it is economically feasible, the request will be considered.
Double yellow lines were implemented on Beechpark Road some time ago to keep the junction with Kill Lane clear and to keep service access free. These parking restrictions are working well and on a recent inspection, only 10 cars were parked on the road. None of these were causing any obstruction.
2) Ramps or Traffic Calming Measures in Beechpark, Foxrock
To ask the Manager to report on the possibility of ramps or some form of traffic calming measures in Beechpark, Foxrock as there is a considerable problem with cars speeding through the estate? Also, maybe this Council could contact the Gardaí regarding this on-going problem.
Beech Park Road and its associated road network which includes Southpark and Clonkeen Drive amounts to a considerable length of road. The network carries a certain volume of ‘rat running’ through traffic.
This problem would be best addressed by one or two road closures to prevent through traffic e.g. on Beech Park Road close to Southpark. This would be a much more cost effective method than the provision of long lengths of traffic calming measures and would be a more effective solution.