February 2007
Local Councillor, Cormac Devlin has asked the Planning Department for an up-date on the current planning status of the land at the top of Glenageary Avenue and behind Sallynoggin Church:
Question:Councillor Cormac Devlin
To ask the Manager to give details why the previous proposal for the land at the end of Glenageary Avenue was refused planning permission and if any meetings have taken place since the last refusal with the owner/developer in relation to future plans for the same site?
Planning permission was refused ,on 20th May 2005, for the proposed development of 12 no. apartments on this site. [Ref: D05A/0381]. The reasons for refusal were as follows;
1.The proposed development, by reason of its height and general massing in close proximity to the adjoining residential properties to the south, would visually intrude on and, consequently, seriously injure the amenity and depreciate the value of residential property in the vicinity.
2.The proposed development, by reason of the proposal to provide general fenestration and fenestration to habitable rooms on the southerly-facing elevations, would result in an excessive level of overlooking, both perceived and actual, on the adjoining residential properties to the south and, consequently, seriously injure the amenity and depreciate the value of residential property in the vicinity.
3.The sewer serving the application site is not adequate to accommodate the proposed development. The proposed development would therefore be premature pending the rectification of the existing deficiency of sewerage facilities in this area.
4. The proposed vehicular access to the basement car-park is inadequate to accommodate cars to pass in opposing directions. The proposed development would therefore result in a potential traffic hazard.
The developer/agent had several Section 247 Pre Planning consultations with the case planner in late 2006
A new planning application [D06A/1936] was lodged on 22nd December 2006,for a development as described below;
“Permission is sought for the construction of 4no. one bedroom apartments and 8no. two bedroom apartments totalling 12no. units in a three storey block over underground car-parking for 12no. cars, accessed via Glenageary Avenue, new boundary treatment to southeast boundary and along existing wayleave, bicycle store, bin store, diversion of existing sewer and associated site works at main location.”
The Planning authority has until Friday 23rd February to either make its decision or request Additional Information
UP-DATE: As of August 2007, the Council has still not made any decision if this development has been given permission/refused.